Thursday, 30 October 2014


This week life drawing includes the previous one :) i have been abit occupied. For the last 2 weeks i have found this model being very hard to relate too. She was my kryptanite! i couldnt understand her movement and was getting very frustrated in class. Her movements werent great but instead it was quite compresed and closed. She hid her body alot and bended alot of her limbs inwards. She also had alot of similar poses throughout the classes. im not trying to blame the model but instead evaluate her and really understood her movement. This is a great chance to just tell that everyone has bad days and the success in that day maybe isnt to get a great product but too overcome the challenge and going back to what you know and understand :), So this week i decided to show some of my works that arent great and too show my progress on how i took my time to observe her and really get her anatomy down :)

Everything is gestured from 1-5 mins and the final few drawings are loner from 20 mins to 25mins

Friday, 17 October 2014


This week im having one of those days! I thought about not posting these pics but then i realised that the only way to get better is to learn from your mistakes and be able to admit that you have had a bad day so i feel that i should just put these up to show that im still always learning :)! These are starting from gestures , they are 1 mins and moving onto a diffrent medium this week because i was frustrated in class! i decided to use markers because i was distracted or just not feeling it, i felt it help me pushed for faster decisions and leave me no room to get lost into detail!

Wednesday, 8 October 2014


Here is this weeks life drawing! Cant stop going to these classes because of the variety of models, each with thier own personalities and abilities. This week the model we had was by far the most amazing model i have had experienced since leaving college. You just wanted to draw her! She is what i have been looking for in my drawings, powerful, forceful, dynamic, challenging ugh! just pure amazing. Although she was an amazing model i felt i was just having one of those days at the start and could really capture her force in my drawings, but now looking back at them again, i would think they turned out quite well and i did manage to capture her essence and fluidity. So they are starting from 1 minutes like always :)! to more longer posses 25 minutes.

Friday, 3 October 2014


Here are some life drawings done this week, i started with loose gestures to warm up and then moved on to more anatomical posses. I tried something new this week and it was the use of markers. They forced me to decide quickly with no room for second thoughts, this really helped me to moved away from focusing on to much detail but instead focus on the basic shapes.