Friday, 17 October 2014


This week im having one of those days! I thought about not posting these pics but then i realised that the only way to get better is to learn from your mistakes and be able to admit that you have had a bad day so i feel that i should just put these up to show that im still always learning :)! These are starting from gestures , they are 1 mins and moving onto a diffrent medium this week because i was frustrated in class! i decided to use markers because i was distracted or just not feeling it, i felt it help me pushed for faster decisions and leave me no room to get lost into detail!

1 comment:

  1. Some really great ones in here, I also love that you are tackling different media..especially ones that show mistakes easily. It's hard for you to look objectively at your own work, but remember that life drawing is to support your shouldn't be a final product on it's own. That said, that pencil drawing shows some great volume , gesture drawings 1 & 5 also have a great appeal in their linework.
